Fungal ID Testing

Fungal ID Testing

Advanced Development and Achievement in Fungal and Bacteriological testing


Fungal ID Testing State of the Art “Fungal ID Testing” for Exposure to Toxic Mold and Bacteria

The FID test identifies colonies of fungus/mold, bacteria, parasites and yeast growing in the human body. Knowing specifically what species of fungus /mold bacteria, yeast or parasites that are actually colonizing in your body is an absolute must in linking a person’s exposure to a particular environment, and matching it to those contaminants detected by the FID.

Fungal growth inside of the human body can become very dangerous, many cases have documented fungal infections to cause disability and even death in human beings. In cases were a species of fungus growing within the body is pathogenic (disease causing) they may be producing toxins, meaning the internal fungal growth is continually producing toxins and continually poisoning the host. This is why the FID test is very important, it can help determine the link to the environment and the reasons why toxins may be in the person’s body.


Reported complaints from individuals with exposure to water damaged structures can vary from person to person. The FID test can be an excellent choice in testing when experiencing any of the following

Reported symptoms:

Constant Headaches

Nose Bleeds

Feelings of Constant Fatigue

Breathing Disorders

Coughing up Blood or Black Debris




Loss of Appetite

Weight Loss

Skin Rashes

Open Sores on the Skin

Swollen Glands in the Neck Area and under the Armpit

Sudden Asthma Attacks or Breathing Disorders

Ear Infections and Pain

Chronic Sinus Infections

Chronic Bronchitis

Pain in the Joints and Muscles


Bleeding Lungs